Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

About crying

Sunday night, 27 February 2011, the last day I was listening to SKY 90.50 FM Bandung. The atmosphere of emotion came from the broadcast room, and from my heart. Almost all former broadcaster Sky to come. They certainly gave testimony for the Sky. That this is not just a radio station. That this radio is a collection of beautiful women with a beautiful voice. That the radio is not just a place to work. That this radio is home to residents who ever stop, there. They gave testimony almost "without" crying, until finally there was one broadcaster Sky was not "ashamed" to express feelings of emotion with tears.

Something made me salute the same broadcaster on this one with tears. (Should I call her name? Well, you get to know her as perempuansore). Feelings of emotion need not be hidden. Tears do not have the bear-resistant. This announcer once said that if she had time to cry in public transportation. But she was ignored, no matter how other people see it.

Crying is not a disgrace. Crying is a natural process. When we are faced by various problems that make us dizzy head is natural for us need someone to share. Besides could feel more relieved, just maybe it could help us deliver solutions. But often we have difficulty expressing and instead of appearing there are tears or crying.

I was ever good at tagging writing about crying by Efi Fitriyyah. There are several theories of scientific research results about to cry.
According to Dr. William Frey of Minnesota, crying can make someone feel better because the tears that came out to remove the tension of nerve function in the body, which one causes is stress, because the burden problem. Tears itself is actually divided into two, namely:

1. Water eye irritation.
Tears were coming out because there were foreign objects into the eye.
2. Emotional tears
Tears were coming out because of the encouragement emotion or feeling.

If stress is analogous such as toxic, if not removed from the body will lower your immune system and other biological processes. Expenditure process toxins from the body usually is when we sweat and tears. In addition to relief, crying was healthy.

Compassion is not toxic. Compassion is an emotional expression of our souls can not be separated with a state, place, or person. Compassion is something that is honest, then why should we be ashamed to reveal the honesty?

Crying is not a sign of weakness, but too many tears will weaken the soul.

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