Senin, 14 Maret 2011

About missing

Missing was something that originally there be nothing without realizing it and accidentally. If his name was not accidentally lost, but given or thrown away or sold.

We just realized 'something' precious to us after losing 'something'. While trying desperately to keep it there is just 'something' was missing from us. Despite the maximum care of, uh ... still loose and could not have anymore.
Well ... maybe not our fortune.

There are times when we never keep or maintain the 'something', then suddenly disappeared ... it's called reckless. It is humane, because usually people do not appreciate something that God gave. Though God gives 'something' is not without purpose. It must be 'something' would mean, if not now maybe later. But it certainly means a lot to us.

Well now trying to say 'something is' missing where, who knows I can help you search and find them.

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